Commission Meeting                      

City Hall

424 East Broadway

Drumright, Oklahoma 


Monday, February 12, 2024                       7:00 p.m.                    City Commission Chamber

City Building

122 W Broadway

Regular Meeting


Invocation –

Flag Salute & Call to order – Mayor Deborah Bright

  1. Consideration and Action on the Consent Agenda.

All matters listed under “Consent” are considered by the City Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Commission member may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request.

  • Approval of the January 8, 2024, regular meeting minutes.
  • Approval of the December 2023 City financial report.
  • Consider approving regular claims in the amount of $797,013.41.

2. Discussion and possible action to approve reconnect fees in the following amounts for customers whose trash service is disconnected for nonpayment:

  • Polycart – $20
  • Dumpster – $50.
  1. Discussion and possible action to adopt Resolution 24-01 Committing the City of Drumright to Adopt and Implement a workplace Wellness Policy.
  1. Discussion and possible action to ask the Creek County Board of Commissioners to donate 115 W Federal St to the City of Drumright. The legal description is Broadway Lots 11 and 12 Block 18.
  1. Discussion and possible action to approve the 2024 REAP Grant Contract and designate the mayor as the signatory on all documents.
  1. Discussion and possible action to approve an insurance claim loss for a wrecked police car (VIN 0413) in the amount of $8,470 less deductible of $1,000 for a settlement of $7,470 and turn the vehicle over to OMAG.
  1. Discussion and possible action to vacate the alley located at the property with the legal description OT Drumright Lots 20 – 31 Block 15, OT Drumright Lot 15 – 19 Block 15.
  1. Abatement Hearing:
    1. 330 E Wood (Carried over from previous month to reassess)
    2. 703 W Wood (Carried over from previous month to reassess)
    3. 420 S Jones (Carried over from previous month to reassess)
    4. 319 S Skinner
    5. Broadway Lot 5 Block 4 (lot east of 512 W Broadway)
  1. City Manager Report.
  1. Mayor’s Report.
  1. Adjourn

Drumright Gas Authority Meeting

City Hall

424 East Broadway

Drumright, Oklahoma


Monday, February 12, 2024                       7:00 p.m.                    City Commission Chamber

City Building

122 W Broadway

Regular Meeting


Call to order – Chairman Bright

  1. Consideration and Action on the Consent Agenda.

All matters listed under “Consent” are considered by the City Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Commission member may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request.

  • Approval of the January 8, 2024, regular meeting minutes.
  • Consider approving regular claims in the amount of $77,917.20.
  1. Discussion and possible action to accept $7,912 to cover the city’s entire gas cost due to a gas line that was hit at 850 W Truck Bypass.
  1. Adjourn

Drumright Utility Trust Meeting

City Hall

424 East Broadway

Drumright, Oklahoma


Monday, February 12, 2024                       7:00 p.m.                    City Commission Chamber

City Building

122 W Broadway

Regular Meeting


Call to order – Chairman Bright

  1. Consideration and Action on the Consent Agenda.

All matters listed under “Consent” are considered by the City Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Commission member may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request.

  • Approval of the January 8, 2024, regular meeting minutes.
  • Consider approving regular claims in the amount of $121,638.25.
  1. Discussion and possible action to approve a monthly $3.50 meter fee for all water meters.
  1. Discussion and possible action to approve the contract documents and specifications for Phase 2 of the Creek County ARPA Projects; sewer line replacements for Ohio and Smathers, and Bristow and Hickory.
  1. Adjourn
