March 2024 City Commission Meeting

Commission Meeting                      

City Hall

424 East Broadway

Drumright, Oklahoma 

Monday, March 11, 2024                7:00 p.m.                    City Commission Chamber

                                                                                                            City Building

                                                                                                            122 W Broadway

Regular Meeting


Invocation –

Flag Salute & Call to order – Mayor Deborah Bright

  1. Consideration and Action on the Consent Agenda.
  1. All matters listed under “Consent” are considered by the City Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Commission member may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request.
  1. Approval of the February 12, 2024, regular meeting minutes.
    1. Approval of the January 2023 City financial report.
    1. Consider approving regular claims in the amount of $130,132.17.

2. Discussion and possible action to approve a request for an exception to move a tiny home from 149 East Pine Street to 209 E Shafer. The house is roughly 16 X 44 (704 Square Feet).

3. Discussion and possible action to approve a request for an exception to move a small carport and storage building to 209 E Shafer.

4. Discussion and possible action to approve a request for an exception to move a tiny home to 220 E Dale. The house is a 2023 Derksen and the square footage is approximately 280 square feet.

5. Discussion and possible action to approve a request for a lot split at 1320 N Smathers.  Two tracts would be split from the current property.

6. Discussion and possible action to approve an agreement with Creek County for use of the property located at 115 W Federal and release them from any liability.

7. Discussion and possible action to adopt a citizen participation plan for the 2024 CDBG Grant.

8. Discussion and possible action to select a project for the 2024 CDBG Grant application.

9. Discussion and possible action to adopt CDBG Resolution 24-02.

10. Discussion and possible action to authorize the mayor to execute the CDBG application documents.

11. Discussion and possible action to authorize the submission of the 2024 CDBG grant application in OKGrants.

12. Discussion and possible action to spend $6,000 on preliminary engineering to drill a new water well at the water treatment plant.

13. Discussion and possible action to approve K9 Jasper’s retirement, and donation of Jasper to Assistant Police Chief Chris Reinke.

14. Abatement Hearing:

  1. 330 E Wood (Carried over from previous month to reassess)703 W Wood (Carried over from previous month to reassess)420 S Jones (Carried over from previous month to reassess)319 S Skinner

  1. Broadway Lot 5 Block 4 (lot east of 512 W Broadway)

15. Discussion and possible action to select applicants to interview for the City Manager position from the submissions received.

16. City Manager Report.

17. Mayor’s Report.

18. Adjournment.

    Drumright Gas Authority Meeting

    City Hall

    424 East Broadway

    Drumright, Oklahoma

    Monday, March 11, 2024                7:00 p.m.                    City Commission Chamber

    City Building

                                                                                                                122 W Broadway

    Regular Meeting


    Call to order – Chairman Bright

    1. Consideration and Action on the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under “Consent” are considered by the City Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Commission member may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request.
    2. Approval of the February 12, 2024, regular meeting minutes.
    3. Consider approving regular claims in the amount of $179,532.51.
    • Adjourn.

    Drumright Utility Trust Meeting

    City Hall

    424 East Broadway

    Drumright, Oklahoma

    Monday, March 11, 2024                7:00 p.m.                    City Commission Chamber

    City Building

                                                                                                                122 W Broadway

    Regular Meeting


    Call to order – Chairman Bright  

    1. Consideration and Action on the Consent Agenda.

    All matters listed under “Consent” are considered by the City Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Commission member may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request.

    1. Approval of the February 12, 2024, regular meeting minutes.
      1. Consider approving regular claims in the amount of $85,600.33.
    • Discussion and possible action to approve an engineering agreement with Holloway, Updike and Bellen to allow them to do the engineering report for the Tipperary waterline.
    • Adjourn