Special Commission Meeting September 5, 2023


Tuesday, September 5, 2023 4:00 p.m. City Commission Chamber
City Building
122 W Broadway
Special Session


Call to order – Mayor Deborah Bright
1. Discussion and possible action to accept a bid for the Municipal Roads Drilling Activities Fund Street Repairs.

2. Discussion and possible action to approve Ordinance 342 establishing a fine of $100 for illegal parking within the City of Drumright.

3. Discussion and possible action to declare Ordinance 342 an emergency, putting it into effect immediately after its passage and approval.

4. Discussion and possible action to approve up to $10,000 to repair the leaking back wall of the Fire Department to be paid out of the State Aid Grant.

5. Discussion and possible action to approve two Project Maintenance, Financing, and Right-Of-Way Agreements with the Department of Transportation for the 1st Street bridge and the E Wood Street bridge.

6. Discussion and possible action to approve a proof of loss for storm damages during the Father’s Day Storm and accept a check in the amount of $5,828.05 from Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group (OMAG).

7. Adjourn.

Drumright Gas Authority Meeting
City Hall
424 East Broadway
Drumright, Oklahoma

Tuesday, September 5, 2023 4:01 p.m. City Commission Chamber
City Building
122 W Broadway
Special Session
Call to order – Chairman Bright

1. Discussion and possible action to approve spending $10,000 on a new generator, welder, air compressor, light tower combination, generator, dual tank compressor, pressure washer, trash pump, and 2 wheel kits.

2. Adjourn.

Drumright Utility Trust Meeting
City Hall
424 East Broadway
Drumright, Oklahoma

Tuesday, September 5, 2023 4:02 p.m. City Commission Chamber
City Building
122 W Broadway
Special Session
Call to order – Chairman Bright

1. Discussion and possible action to approve a proof of loss for storm damages during the Father’s Day Storm and accept a the amount of $7,980.96 from Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group (OMAG).

2. Adjourn.

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