City of Drumright Employees Darrell Medlock and City Manager Shawn Gibson completed the Oklahoma Municipal League Community Leadership Development Program.

City of Drumright Employees Darrell Medlock and City Manager Shawn Gibson completed the Oklahoma Municipal League Community Leadership Development Program. Darrell and Shawn Graduated at the Oklahoma Municipal League Conference in Tulsa Oklahoma on September 10, 2024.This is a year long program to complete.

Community Leadership Development (CLD) provides municipal officials and community leaders with training and educational opportunities. The program’s focus is to equip the participants with the skills and knowledge they need to positively impact their local communities.

Participants in CLD learn valuable skills in teamwork, community assessment and planning, economic development and tourism, leadership styles, community renewal, and building partnerships with organizations and businesses in their communities.

Service Tech Darrell Medlock and City Manager Shawn Gibson where excited to be part of the 2023-2024 Class 11.

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