Commission Meeting                      

City Hall

424 East Broadway

Drumright, Oklahoma 

Monday, August 12, 2024              7:00 p.m.                                City Commission Chamber

                                                                                                            City Building

                                                                                                            122 W Broadway

Regular Meeting


Invocation –

Flag Salute & Call to order – Mayor Jeremy Snow

  1. Consideration and Action on the Consent Agenda.

All matters listed under “Consent” are considered by the City Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Commission member may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request.

  1. Approval of the July 8, 2024, regular meeting minutes.
    1. Approval of the June 2024 City financial report.
    1. Consider approving regular claims in the amount of $74,131.82.
  • Discussion and possible action approve Resolution 24-14 declaring a court penalty reduction program from September 1, 2024 through October 31, 2024.
  • Discussion and possible action to appoint Mark Whinnery to the Drumright Industrial Authority Board.
  • Discussion and possible action to vacate South Skinner Road to Oakland Petroleum, from the football field South to Lou Allard Drive.
  • Discussion and possible action to approve allowing officers to work sporting events for Drumright Public Schools, to be paid by Drumright Public Schools for hours worked at sporting events, but in the capacity of the Drumright Police Department.
  • Discussion and possible action to approve Resolution 24-11 casting a vote for trustee of the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund (OkMRF) to fill the expiring term of at-large trustee representing the entire membership.
  • Discussion and possible action to approve Resolution 24-12 allowing the Drumright Fire Department to respond to fire and emergency calls outside of city limits.
  • Discussion and possible action to approve Resolution 24-13 authorizing application for Rural Economic Action Plan (REAP) grant from the Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG).
  1. Abatement hearing:
  1. 817 W Walnut
    1. 818 W Walnut
    1. 135 E Dale
  1. City Manager Report.
  1. Mayor’s Report.
  1. Adjournment.

Drumright Gas Authority Meeting

City Hall

424 East Broadway

Drumright, Oklahoma

Monday, August 12, 2024              7:00 p.m.                                City Commission Chamber

City Building

                                                                                                            122 W Broadway

Regular Meeting


Call to order – Chairman Jeremy Snow

  1. Consideration and Action on the Consent Agenda.

All matters listed under “Consent” are considered by the City Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Commission member may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request.

  1. Approval of the July 8, 2024, regular meeting minutes.
    1. Consider approving regular claims in the amount of $47,623.63.
  • Discussion and possible action to approve Resolution 24-10 amending the 2023-2024 budget for increased/decreased revenues and expenses.
  • Adjourn.

Drumright Utility Trust Meeting

City Hall

424 East Broadway

Drumright, Oklahoma

Monday, August 12, 2024              7:00 p.m.                    City Commission Chamber

City Building

                                                                                                            122 W Broadway

Regular Meeting


Call to order – Chairman Jeremy Snow  

  1. Consideration and Action on the Consent Agenda.

All matters listed under “Consent” are considered by the City Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Commission member may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request.

  1. Approval of the July 8, 2024, regular meeting minutes.
    1. Consider approving regular claims in the amount of $121,160.33.
  • Discussion and possible action to approve a resident’s request to be exempt from sewer charges to use an existing water tap for a hydrant only.
  • Discussion and possible action to approve spending $5,215.65 to Smtih Pump and supply to repair starter panel on well 3 from lightning strike damages.
  • Discussion and possible to action to approve spending $11,814.16 to Worth Hydrochem for repairs to variable frequency drive at water plant from lightning strike damages.
  • Discussion and possible action to file an insurance claim with Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group (OMAG) for damages caused by a lightning strike, and accept reimbursement in the amount of $39,565.84 less deductible of $1,000.
  • Discussion and possible action to approve Resolution 24-09 amending the 2023-2024 budget for increased/decreased revenues and expenses.
  • Adjourn

*************Addendum to Agenda dated 8/12/2024****************


Drumright Gas Authority Meeting

Monday, August 12, 2024, 7:00 P.M.

            2-A.  Discussion and possible action to approve an agreement with Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc to transport natural gas purchased by the Drumright Gas Authority.

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