06-10-2024 Commission Meeting

Commission Meeting                      

City Hall

424 East Broadway

Drumright, Oklahoma 

Monday, June 10, 2024                  7:00 p.m.                                City Commission Chamber

                                                                                                            City Building

                                                                                                            122 W Broadway

Regular Meeting


Invocation –

Flag Salute & Call to order – Mayor Deborah Bright

  1. Discussion and possible action to accept the resignation of Mayor Deborah Guillot Bright.
  • Discussion and possible action to select a resident to fill the vacant seat in Ward 2.
  • Discussion and possible action to select a new Vice Mayor.
  • Discussion and possible action to approve a proclamation declaring June 10 as Deborah Bright Day.
  • Discussion and possible action to approve to manage parcel 9121-00-001-000-0-050-00.
  • Consideration and Action on the Consent Agenda.

All matters listed under “Consent” are considered by the City Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Commission member may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request.

  1. Approval of the May 13, 2024, regular meeting minutes.
    1. Approval of the April 2024 City financial report.
    1. Consider approving regular claims in the amount of $66,072.19.
  • Discussion and possible action to approve a lot split at 603 E 5th.
  • Discussion and possible action to approve a request to place one Tiny Home at each of the following locations (Currently known as 603 E 5th):
    • Mascho Lot 13 thru 14, Block 5
    • Mascho Lot 15 thru 16, Block 5
    • Mascho Lot 17 thru 18, Block 5
    • Mascho Lot 19 thru 20, Block 5
  • Discussion and possible action to appoint David Scott to the Drumright Industrial Authority Board with the term expiring in 2025.
  1. Discussion and possible action to reappoint Jamie Osterhout and Kent Burris to the Drumright Industrial Authority Board with terms expiring in 2026.
  1. Discussion and possible action to reappoint Robbie Dorsey to the Drumright Industrial Authority Board with the term expiring in 2027.
  1. Discussion and possible action to approve a funding proposal for the Drumright Historical Society.
  1. Discussion and possible action to approve an agreement with CBEW for accounting and consulting services for year end June 30, 2024.
  1. Discussion and possible action to approve an agreement with Jana A. Walker to perform an audit for the Year Ended June 30, 2024.
  1. Discussion and possible action to apply an escrow amount of $17,955.83 for OMAG workers’ compensation to the 24-25 premium.
  1. Discussion and possible action to enter into an Inter-Cooperative Agreement with Creek County for road and bridge maintenance and emergency services.
  1. Discussion and possible action to surplus a 2007 Chevy Silverado VIN ending 6553.
  1. Discussion and possible action to sell a 2007 Chevy Silverado VIN ending 6553 to NE Lincoln County Fire for $5,000.
  1. Discussion and possible action to spend $7,399 out of E911 funds for new dispatch equipment and installation to Bearcom.
  • City Manager Report.
  • Mayor’s Report.
  • Adjournment.

Drumright Gas Authority Meeting

City Hall

424 East Broadway

Drumright, Oklahoma

Monday, June 10, 2024                  7:00 p.m.                                City Commission Chamber

City Building

                                                                                                            122 W Broadway

Regular Meeting


Call to order – Chairman Bright

  1. Consideration and Action on the Consent Agenda.

All matters listed under “Consent” are considered by the City Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Commission member may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request.

  1. Approval of the May 13, 2024, regular meeting minutes.
    1. Consider approving regular claims in the amount of $28,466.04.
  • Discussion and possible action to approve Resolution 24-07 charging $75 for gas riser removal requests.
  • Adjourn.

Drumright Utility Trust Meeting

City Hall

424 East Broadway

Drumright, Oklahoma

Monday, June 10, 2024                  7:00 p.m.                    City Commission Chamber

City Building

                                                                                                            122 W Broadway

Regular Meeting


Call to order – Chairman Bright  

  1. Consideration and Action on the Consent Agenda.

All matters listed under “Consent” are considered by the City Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Commission member may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request.

  1. Approval of the May 13, 2024, regular meeting minutes.
    1. Approval of the May 13, 2024, emergency meeting minutes.
    1. Consider approving regular claims in the amount of $105,645.16.
  • Adjourn

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